Armin Only - Mirage Beirut- with Mix FM - Lebanon's # 1 Radio Station Download the Armin van Buuren album 'Mirage' on iTunes: Buy the 'Mirage' cd on Download 'Mirage - Extended Versions' on Beatport: On January 22nd 2011, the people of Lebanon united in peace and love at the seminal music event in the country's history: Armin Only Mirage! 18.000 people gathered together for a night of unrelenting highlights. People from the whole Middle East region, Egypt, Dubai, Jordan, Paris and farther away such as London, Canada and even Australia gathered side by side with the Lebanese fans to celebrate the biggest ever music event in the Middle East. The 9 hour DJ set by Armin van Buuren featured glittering star appearances by Sophie Ellis Bextor, Susana, Christian Burns, Nadia Ali, Ana Criado, Cathy Burton, Benno de Goeij, a full orchestra and Eller van Buuren's rockband Bagga Bownz. Mix FM, Lebanon's Number 1 Hit Radio Station, worked for over 4 months to make sure every detail was perfectly covered and executed the largest campaign ever in the Middle East for a concert. Roger Saad, CEO: 'I wanna thank everyone involved for giving Lebanon the most amazing night to remember for years to come. Thank you to the people of Lebanon and the region, for attending in their thousands. Their love for life and strength of spirit made this event the biggest event for the Middle East and gave the world a chance to see what Lebanon and its people are <b>...</b> Author: officialarminonly Duration: 2:42
On January 22nd 2011, the people of Lebanon united in peace and love at the seminal music event in the country's history: Armin Only Mirage! 18.000 people gathered together for a night of unrelenting highlights. People from the whole Middle East region, Egypt, Dubai, Jordan, Paris, London, Canada and even Australia gathered side to side with the Lebanese fans to celebrate the biggest ever music event in the Middle East. The 9 hour DJ set by Armin van Buuren featured glittering star appearances by Sophie Ellis Bextor, Susana, Christian Burns, Nadia Ali, Ana Criado, Cathy Burton, Benno de Goeij, a full orchestra and Eller van Buuren's rockband Bagga Bownz. Dancefoundation was there to capture the amazing atmosphere, check out the highlight video! Author: dancefoundation Duration: 2:11
Photos for video Armin Only Mirage - Beirut (Official Highlights video)
Buy here on Beatport : Do we have a treat for you! Sied van Riel totally overhauled Hemstock & Jennings Author: SpinninRec Duration: 5:44
Photos for video Hemstock & Jennings - Mirage (of Hope) (Sied van Riel Vocal Mix)
«Armin Only: Mirage» -- это уникальный 8-часовой нон-стоп перформанс диджея № 1 в мире, Армина ван Бюрена, десятки захватывающих шоу-моментов, за которыми стоят тонны эксклюзивных декораций, технические решения на рубеже будущего и настоящего, ведущие специалисты из Голландии и Украины и, конечно, артисты--аккомпаниаторы, которые принимали участие в создании одноименного альбома «Armin van Buuren -- Mirage». «Armin Only» - это самое дорогое и масштабное сольное шоу танцевальной музыки на планете! И нам посчастливится стать его частью! Спустя всего несколько недель после мировой премьеры в Голландии, «Urban Wave» представляет абсолютно новое шоу «Armin Only: Mirage», декабрь 2010, Киев! Событию суждено войти в историю, как дебюту «Armin Only» на пост-советском пространстве. Шоу «Armin Only: Mirage» -- это странствие к месту, где время и пространство не существуют, где стёрта грань между реальностью и фантазией. Это Мираж... Author: Denis Javorskij Duration: 8:01
Photos for video Armin Only: Mirage, Sophie Ellis Bextor - Not giving up on love LIVE, Kiev @ IEC Ukraine 04/12/2010
Armin Van Buuren performing in Beirut-Lebanon on 22-23 january 2011 part 1. Alot more to come. BTW : Video taken from mobile ( Samsung nexus S ) Name of song as the guys said : Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space (Back 2 Author: FrZoller Duration: 2:06
Photos for video Armin Van Buuren in Beirut 2011 Part 1 HQ
One of MixFM's best events yet Tracks played in order: 1. Armin Van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel - In and Out of Love (Richard Durand Remix) 2. Armin Van Buuren - Mirage 3. Mundix - Sandstone 4. Armin Van Buuren - Coming Home 5. Armin Van Buuren - Full Focus 6. Armin Van Buuren Vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Not Giving Up On Love 7.Armin Van Buuren - This Light Between Us (Ft. Christian Burns) 8. Gaia - Tuvan Author: lolzwtfifym Duration: 14:49
Photos for video Armin Only: Mirage - Beirut 2011
Armin Van Buuren and Sophie Ellis Bextor in Lebanon 2011 Author: Faris Ababneh Duration: 4:40
Photos for video Armin Van Buuren Beirut 2011 Not giving up on love Part 1