Check this on SpotifyL Follow Armada Music @ Facebook! Buy this video on iTunes: Order Armin's Artist Album 'Mirage' (CD) here: Buy the DVD/CD combo Armin van Buuren - The Music Videos 1997-2009 here: Armin van Buuren VS. Rank 1 - This World Is Watching Me Download "My intentions they aren't gain anything or profit this is not my copyright I just put this video for entertain at all" I do not claim ownership of this audio/video, all rights reserved to the artist. If any producer/artist has a problem with my uploads please contact me and I will remove them immediately Author: juancorreasalazar Duration: 3:26
Photos for video Armin Van Buuren vs Rank 1 - This world is watching (Subtitulado)
Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado "Down To Love" Edit & Lyrics Armin Audio / Armada Music 2010 Writtn by Armin / Benno de Gooij / Adrian Broekhuyse & Raz Nitzan for playground Prod Lyrics: It's down to love tonight This is where we are As we turn into the light Let's make it last Make it last Let's make it last With you All I want To be present To be full With you All I need To we awake Be alive Feel so real Author: RazNitzanMusic Duration: 4:15
Photos for video Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado "Down To Love" Edit & Lyrics
An alternate version of Youtopia by Armin Van Buuren featuring Adam Young of Owl City. Found here: For entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. Author: ShapelessVision Duration: 5:27
Photos for video Youtopia (ALTERNATE VERSION) by Armin Van Buuren ft. Adam Young
Listen to the new album of Armin van buuren..a superb album..and superb track Youtopia...My remix was made without any professional equipment, no studio monitors, no soundproof room...just my jvc speakers, my skullcandy headphones,my m audio oxygen 61 3rd, my fl studio sowtware and lots of love fo trance music and our trance idol and inspiration Armin van Buuren! Author: DjBijouxSerghei Duration: 6:13
Photos for video Armin van Buuren - Youtopia (BluSkay Emotional remix)
Buy this track on Beatport! Buy this track on iTunes! Sometimes, one track alone can blow your mind, but two can make it explode. Dutchman Armin van Buuren has a keen ear for the right combinations, as proved with previous mash-ups and his A State of Trance Yearmixes. When two big tracks come together, a new, even bigger masterpiece unfolds, as is the case with 'Arrival vs. Beggin' You'. Keeping in mind that variety is the soul of pleasure, Armin combined the very best of the acoustic version of Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren's beloved beat ballad 'Beggin' You' and Swiss producer Dave 202's 'Arrival'. The outcome, a stunning piece of contagious trance, has already conquered the hearts of the global crowds and dance society during the massive Armin Only -- Mirage shows, and is now ready to do its job on all other floors as well. Author: armadamusic Duration: 5:16
Photos for video Dave202 vs Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Arrival vs Beggin You (Acapella) (Armin van Buuren Mashup)