First time killing Butkadah, the final boss in the cube dungeon. Was messy but we figured out how it works: Basically for melee range the normal attacks hit up to 30k and at range they hits up to 15k, something like that. Because of this, the real "tanks" like Templar, BM or Merc aren't as useful at least for tanking on this boss even though they're necessary for just about anything else in the dungeon. The boss doesn't move all the time but it does move so ofc move speed debuffs will help. Besides that there's random stuns and DoTs for whoever its attacking but those are weak and not AoE. Deadeye seems the best for tanking it because of their range and high HP. Also bleeding is always good for bosses with high HP and defense. Video speed is 300% most of the time but some points 200% and normal. Took us a while. Music: Armin Van Buuren - Mirage Author: emp90k Duration: 8:51
Armin van Buuren with Glenn Morrison in Surreal @ Peppermint Xperience Dubai World Trade Center Arena 15 October 2010 Sorry for video & audio quality since it was captured on a mobile cam Author: SamSvD1 Duration: 4:16
Photos for video Armin van Buuren Dubai Oct 15, 2010 Great Moments