www.facebook.com MP3 - tinyurl.com Many peaople asked me to make my top 10 or 20 , so I thought, that it will be better to make top 50. It was really hard to decide which tracks I like the most, so I mixed trance tracks, which were most times played in my life i think. I do not included... Author: Christian Pheng Duration: 140:36
Photos for video God's Trance playlist 50 HD (My top 50) part 1/2
l------------------- LEER INFORMACION --------------------l 1)El nuevo clan quiere decir pL' pero con los nuevos integrantes 2)NO Voy a dejar de jugar definitivamente, Jugare solamente en vacaciones o cuando tengo tiempo libre ;P Todos los clips son de Scrim / HPT Pude haber hecho este video mejor pero al final estoy contento con lo que hice, Siempre jugando a ganar y no al clip ^^ Gracias a todos los que jugaron conmigo y gracias a los que participaron en el torneo pL' (Finalizado con exito) En especial a los clanes xV' , =AEM= y zL[ que fueron quienes estuvieron pendientes de el torneo y que todo se hiciera bien. Personas que se me pasaron en los creditos: Logic (Buen amigo, ojala regreses pronto bro) v2Gamers (Comunidad Chilena) Pimp (Thx for playing with us for a while, cool dude) LEON Rock Kevin (DOMINICANO SIN LEAD) Julez (mexicolombiano XD ) Phantom ( Parcerooo ) Blasster (Intento de aprendiz pL' , lastima que no se donde te metiste o_o ) Murder ( esta bueno que se hayan arreglado los problemas y definitivamente no se logra conocer a alguien hasta que hablas con el; Gracias por ayudar en el torneo tambien :D ) Alpha, Mike, Scrawl, Fercho, Cazador (Lt4) Mi primer clan, tambien dedicado a uds :d Me voy por ahora, pero regresare a capear un par de banderas mas gg -Cristian [ z[K]Puff ] pL' [ Parceros Latinos ] 4 ever Informacion del video: 442 MB Calidad de renderizacion: La mejor Tiempo de renderizacion: 02:05:03 Formato de video: WMV (1280x720) 720p Canciones usadas <b>...</b> Author: krizztiannnn Duration: 10:01
The fifth single taken from 'Mirage', is another new story to be told. For 'Feels So Good', Armin invited the vocal queen of EDM, Nadia Ali. Her seductive voice still warms the crowds, years after her IIO classic 'Rapture' first shattered across the arena's and clubs. For Armin's 'Shivers' album in 2005, she rocked the powerful 'Who Is Watching?', now followed by a more playful 'Feels So Good' 6 years later. Rapturous as always, Nadia's voice seductively flirts with a heavy but teasing bass guitar, laidback beat and electric melody. Sweeping you off your feet from first play on, you'll be hooked to 'Feels So Good' in no time. To make 'Feels So Good' suit the peak-time moments on the floor, Armin didn't only bring a warm but techy-edged club mix of the original himself, but also invited Jerome Isma-Ae, Jochen Miller and Tristan Garner to the party. Jerome Isma-Ae did what he does best: deliver a remix with a bouncy progressive-house touch, layered with soothing melodies. Jochen Miller, mostly known for his tougher takes at remix duties, reveals his softer side. Jochen focuses on the instrumental part, adding a melodramatic touch without making 'Feels So Good' lose its feel-good sound. Last but not least, French producer Tristan Garner delivers a sexy and exotic remix, build around heavy drums and melody, rhythmic in every way. Author: wojtimaj Duration: 4:38
Photos for video Armin Van Buuren Feat. Nadia Ali - Feels So Good (Tristan Garner Remix) Extended EDIT
Armin Van Buuren - Mirage Interview (Full Version) from Ultra Music Buy his album 'Mirage' here: bit.ly Ultra Music is one step ahead in the world of dance music and is a leading independent electronic label. Ultra's current roster includes North American artists deadmau5, Wolfgang Gartner, Kaskade, Roger Sanchez, Markus Schulz, Tommie Sunshine, David Morales, Sharam, Cedric Gervais, and international artists Ti Author: UltraRecords Duration: 47:16
Photos for video Armin Van Buuren - Mirage Interview (Full Version)
Download 'Mirage' on iTunes: bit.ly Buy the 'Mirage' cd on Armadashop.com: bit.ly Download 'Mirage - Extended Versions' on Beatport: tinyurl.com It's no secret -- creating electronic music is so much more than sitting behind a computer and doing a few clicks! A great example is Armin van Buuren's masterpiece of an album title-track named 'Mirage'. As the No. 1 DJ already revealed during one of his studio sessions, his brother Eller's band Bagga Bownz had main influence on the way the orchestral track came into being. Eller and his Bagga Bownz band recorded the strings 27 times, the guitar 8 times and the bass guitar 4 times -- and all of that accompanied by a camera. The video we've just uploaded gives you an impression of how and where they were all recorded. They've used 4 studios to record and mix all the tracks together into one mayhem of sound. Strings were recorded in Delft, at Marmalade music, drums at Holland Spoor studios in The Hague and guitars and basses in Nutsville Noiselab, homestudio of Bagga Bownz. All was mixed together in Nutsville Noiselab and then in the studio with the rest of the track in the studio of Armin himself. The idea itself that Armin made up came from Bagga Bownz' first album, called 'Done with the Pain' (available on iTunes). The song that inspired to do so, is called 'Ready or not'. For more info check: www.arminvanbuuren.com http www.itunes.com www.youtube.com www.armadadownloads.com www.baggabownz.com Author: arminvanbuuren Duration: 4:31
Photos for video Armin van Buuren - The Making Of Mirage